46 definitions by Kilkrazy

Onomatapaeic word describing the sound made when a DJ scratches a record back and forth rapidly on the turntable (that is, he rotates the record rapidly in either direction).
"Wiki wiki wiki..." scratched the DJ, before going on to lay down some tunes.
by Kilkrazy December 30, 2005
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To suck off. Verb.

To transfer data from one computer to your own over a network, by direct file system link or by ftp.
Can you put all the data files on the ftp site and tell me when they are uploaded so I can suck them off.
by Kilkrazy January 9, 2005
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The word 'quality' is often mis-used to mean 'of good quality' although its true meaning is neutral (good quality, poor quality, etc.)

'Qualitay' is a deliberate misspelling and mis-pronunciation of the word 'quality'. It is used jokingly to mean 'good' -- in other words it absorbs the incorrect meaning assigned by many people to 'quality'.
I think the new iMac G5 looks qualitay.
by Kilkrazy September 24, 2004
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Gabe is a politically incorrect term of derision or contempt, typically used by heterosexual men towards homosexual men who exhibit particularly camp or effeminate behaviour. It's derived by contracting the phrase "gay boy."
I can't believe the way *** complained about the party decorations. He's such a gabe!

If you're going to be a gabe about getting grease on your hands I won't help you change the car tyre.
by Kilkrazy January 5, 2005
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Noun: A document laying out all the crucial information on an event, situation, person etc. in a condensed and highlighted format. Possession of a poop sheet will enable you to get up to speed with a new problem as quickly as possible.
I don't know anything about smallpox vaccination. Get me the poop sheet on it as soon as you can.
by Kilkrazy January 3, 2005
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Adjectival phrase:

Used when someone running a project or task needs to explain to people he is answerable to, who don't have the skills or knowledge to understand what is going on, that the project is still at an early stage (prototype or rough cut) and will significantly improve in quality of appearance and content by the time it is finished.
This is the initial look and feel which is very rough but we are going to spoodle it all up and make it more betterer before we finish.
by Kilkrazy October 1, 2004
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Adjective. Used by young men to describe a situation where there are very few, or only unattactive girls around that they might be able to nampa.

Derived from the initials PVC (poly-vinyl chloride) meaning Poor Vag Count.
Are you going to the end of term dance?

No, it'll be totally plastic seeing as this is a men only college.
by Kilkrazy January 3, 2005
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