48 definitions by K-noodle

Before eating out a girl, the man places a Warhead candy in her vagina making it very sour.
The only way I could eat her out was to pull a Sour Cat.
by K-noodle November 28, 2007
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A large tree which bears fruit only in the winter.
Lets go climb the dick monster now that the leaves have fallen.
by K-noodle November 11, 2009
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During sex, the man ejaculates in one hand and defecates in the other and then slaps the woman in the face with both hands. Thus, she becomes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich of feces and semen.
I gave her a Napa Valley PBJ and told her to get the fuck out.
by K-noodle November 28, 2007
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After sex, the man defecates into the woman's anus through a clear glass tube thus imitating the vacuum tubes at a bank.
Dude, I heard Matt and Annie were "going to the bank" last night. I wish I had seen that.
by K-noodle November 28, 2007
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To fuck a chick when shes on her side with her legs together looking like a snake. Also known as mermaid.
by K-noodle October 30, 2006
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Fake British saying to describe anything that seems odd. Said in a deep British accent.
by K-noodle September 28, 2009
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