913 definitions by JOE

another way of saying, fuck it
Who cares about the game, shpank it!
by JOE October 1, 2003
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Or also known as the Dirty Pirate. Give a give web eye then kick her in the shin and run away, turn around and she looks at you like an angry priate chasing you with one eye and and a stump leg.
I shot her a web eye and she came after like and angry pirate!
by JOE February 13, 2005
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yes meaghan you come up with the bestest definitons ever
meaghan thought of the word gator rat
by JOE March 9, 2005
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A a large group of little weak asians that are probably the most pussy-fyed of all major crime gangs. They carry mac-10s and other cheap ass guns because they can not fight. They often work at your local chinese diner or laundry mat.
If a crip/blood were to face a triad in a fight the crip would shred him to bits.

If a skinhead were to face a triad in a fight he would be slayed and served on a plate.

If a Mexican Mafia member were to fight a triad he would be beat to a pulp.
by JOE April 5, 2005
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when you are so fucked up on mary ja wanna that you cant see straight
tim is fookin' blazed
by JOE April 12, 2004
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