42 definitions by JK


To overpay for a product (athelete) usually to ludicrous amounts, in reference to Dan Snyder- owner of the Washington Redskins.
Q: Danny-boy paid $8.6M for a trade for Mark Brunnell??

A: Yep- he got Snydered again. Just like he did with Bruce Smith and Jeremiah Trotter.
by JK March 3, 2004
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Malinky, an object or persons who is not worth describing or giving a name to. Used together with other insults to give a more confusing and irritating verbal attack.
your a stinky malinky
by JK July 15, 2004
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a cute, endearing or "baby-talk" term for "butt", "rump", "hind end", etc.
Toddler who's just fallen, "Waaaaaa!"
Consoling parent, "Awww, there there--did you fall and hurt your pookie?"
by JK June 28, 2010
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The biggest and most attractive pimp to ever walk the surface of the Earth.
Holy shit D-Train just pulled another slut from rugby.
by JK February 8, 2005
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An asshole; a despicable, loathesome person.

My roommate during my freshman year of college was a shitheel.
by JK March 15, 2003
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slip n'slide

to sit on a toilet seat that has been urinated upon
He was ready to drop a duece but not knowing his friend went to the bathrom ealier, he was in for a slip n' slide.
by JK March 18, 2004
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wordb00n/word is a nu-skool version of the old wordn00b/word
which often means someone who is new to the game (and is learning how to play)
But nowadays n00b/b00n is used more as an insult word.
"Im a bit of a n00b in this game"
"fucking b00n get out of the channel"
by JK July 13, 2003
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