22 definitions by JH

Little-Fat-Kid. A tubby little child who will grow up to be a Fatty. Also referred to by hot MILFS as a "Gordo".
That LFK has to weigh 200 pounds, and he's only 7 years old. Come here Gordo!!
by JH March 13, 2003
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Anything that is lo-class, or cheap. An item of little importance or relevance. Slang for any common pastry as used by those of little intelligence
I hate when our cheap company has quarterly receptions, all they serve are those damn scones. Take this scone and shove it fatty.
by JH March 13, 2003
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When a person's fat stomach is revealed to the world.
by JH March 13, 2003
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adj. Heavily inebriated. Publicly intoxicated. Drunk. Inconsistent.
I was totally Griese after those 25 beers last night.
by JH March 13, 2003
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Military slang for 'yes sir' or 'agreed'
Get tactical Marines!
by JH November 15, 2004
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Newbie, loser, idiot, dumbass.
Bastardization of "Peener"
Origin: FHS Varsity Boys lacrosse team
"Dude, you're such a poogle
by JH May 15, 2004
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Used twoard some one who moves relativly fast in relation to speach, movement, and generally life.
John never has a moment to stop and think.
John pushes and pushes blindedly to get what he wants.
John franticly thinks life is wasting away.
John needs to slow his rolls.
by JH January 25, 2005
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