28 definitions by JEFFREY

When a woman gets so fat her gut resembles a butt. Verticle crack and all.
Mama carries a front butt
by JEFFREY November 10, 2004
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A serious form of gayness. Opposite of bumgay, but strangely simular.
That dude is seriously gumbay!
by JEFFREY August 5, 2004
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Getting your dick sucked with a mint in the mouth of the sucker.
"After I made her come, she clkimbed off and Altoided me through the roof"
by JEFFREY March 26, 2004
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a dilletante from a wealthy east-caost background who drinks scotch, wears go-to-hell pants and Lacoste, and loafers without socks. Usually found in thier natural habitat: the club, wearing sweater tied around their shoulders, getting quietly shitfaced on single-malt and arguing about the sexual permissiveness at Brown University, and how it wasn't like that in "their day". Can sometimes be found "slumming it" at authentic local working class bars.
Comment: "Hi, I'm Muffy, my daddy bought me a Volvo for Boxing day. Where did you Prep?"

Retort: "Fuck off, preppy"
by JEFFREY March 26, 2004
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Better than booyah.
Stressed version: "Booya went right throughya!"
"Booyah? Naw, dude... Booya!"

Person 1: "Booya!"
Person 2: "Oh yeah? Well, Booya went right throughya!"
Person 1: "...Oh."
by JEFFREY August 28, 2003
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"Win, Buffy, Muffy and I got totally bombed on Shampoo last night, and then we played hide-the-salami"
by JEFFREY March 26, 2004
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