28 definitions by JEFFREY

to sacrifice some other person, usually one who is undeserving or at least vulnerable, to make personal gain.
He'd throw his mother under the bus if it'd mean he could beat the rap.
by JEFFREY December 17, 2004
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The reason why the federal age of consent in the United States should be lowered to 17.
"Put down that Bacardi ICe and let's fuck...oh, shit, wait. How old are you?"


"Fucking jailbait."
by JEFFREY November 25, 2004
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A person who laughs at the wrong moment,or at the wrong thing. Named after the guy on the Simpsons who laughs at cancer and heart attacks.
"So when I told him my Mom died, he went all Doctor Hibbard on my ass."
by JEFFREY March 26, 2004
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a chinese guy that acts white.
look at that chonkey hideing his math skills
by JEFFREY November 11, 2004
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see "tremode" second definition including but not limited to lazyasses.com
The massey ain't done no work since sophomore year, that lazyass. Someone should cut him.
by JEFFREY May 1, 2004
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Any person whose life is defined by outdoor activities such as backpacking or camping. They often sport goatees, flannel, shirts and sandals, and embrace environmental activism. The term is derived from the root "gorp", the mix of nuts, grains, and dried fruits popularly brought along as victuals on the trail.
We could tell they weren't just tourists because their long hair, slender bodies and "GORE 2000" t-shirts identified them as gorpers who'd been on the trail for a while.
by JEFFREY March 26, 2005
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a cigarette

deriving from the work hankering
"i have a hankering for a cigarette"
by JEFFREY February 29, 2004
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