256 definitions by Ian

A mans penis, sometimes use for masterbation.
Jason went to work on his tossle until it puked love gravey on the pages of my new magazine
by Ian March 21, 2005
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spawned from the world of online games and geek
a collection of new, bad and irritating "noobs"
by Ian August 17, 2004
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An empire on the verge of collapse, named after a main-sequence star. When a main-sequence star has burned through its hydrogen, it switches to helium and bloats into a red giant, though it's essentially being hollowed out inside. Eventually, because it has lost the mass that could sustain its volume, it collapses. If it was an average-sized star, into a white dwarf, or a black hole if above average.

Its sapped of all its strength but its military, and now its burning that. Like a red giant, its imperial swelling is a sign of decay, not health. And its unsustainable. Collapse is inevitable. Possibly, given its size, into a black hole, which will suck the whole world in after it.
Do you think America is a main-sequence empire that has reached the red giant stage, having burned through its resources, its economic and fiscal vitality, its moral capital?
by Ian December 9, 2004
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A can of Coca Cola with a pubic hair in it.
"Is that a pubic hair in my coke," the judge said to his staffer, which is why the Clarence Cola incident was addressed at his confirmation hearing.
by Ian December 7, 2004
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normally considered the answer to the question "whats goin on?" commonly preceeded by the word "eh"
-hey man hows it goin???

-eh, shnoggy boogens
by Ian February 9, 2005
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To put something into action or to give it the "old college try"
A: "Dude, check out the blonde over there slamming Jag."

B: "Work it."

C: "What do you think of the 9 in the side pocket?"

B: "Work it."
by Ian January 23, 2004
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