20 definitions by Headcircus

Just one of the guys, who just happens to be really short, a.k.a. "Vertically Challenged". That's all; he's just a short guy that hangs with you and your buddies. If he happens to be a niche beer fanatic, then it's a bonus: a double entendre.

There is nothing in this word that dictates the person's demeanor, so there could be microbros that are jerks, brainiacs, whatever.
The quintessential microbro is Holt Ann Richter, the character from The Cleveland Show. (voiced by Jason Sudeikis) - Holt attempts to be a suave, pop-culture reference-dropping bro, but the effect is undercut by his short stature (he is short enough to be mistaken for a child, as proven by Kendra occasionally referring to him as "the baby man")
by Headcircus March 14, 2013
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Slut testing is the act of a male envisioning a newly encountered female in a hardcore porn of his choosing, in his mind. If the outcome of the experience is "Yeah she'd totally do that", then you have a slut. If not, you can bring her home to mom.
I saw this librarian today who I thought could be a total slut, but wasn't sure. So I gave her the slut test and I can just tell she's a total slut.
by Headcircus December 16, 2010
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It's "metal" in an electro house format. Big room style, big reverb, heavy guitar-like synths. The best example I can think of is the band Savoy from Brooklyn, NY. (A live band trio) If you lookup the track "The Bridge" it pretty much sums up what i think metalectro is.

Sure, its another name, but as an 80s kid growing up with Metallica, Megadeth and death metal, real hardcore metal... as in \m/... it gives me some more stable ground in this crazy edm world. In other words, it makes sense to me.

If these lords of metal shoved their guitars into Ableton Live or Logic, or some other DAW, this might be the result. It isn't as heavy as metal, but more sharp and crisp, with the purpose of filling a very big room.

- DJ Eskape a.k.a. Headcircus
"The Bridge" by Savoy may not be the first and only example, but i think it is a good example of Metalectro
by Headcircus June 9, 2013
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Nobody Loves Me: The feeling you get when, after a long period of time, you check your email, phone messages, texts and social networking sites only to find no one has sent you anything. (In reality, its only been like a half hour...) Also Nobody Loves You
I took a nap for like 3 hours and when i went to check my phone nobody called or tried to text me. "Nobody Loves Me"
by Headcircus July 7, 2010
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Beginnard: Someone who is just starting at some activity (sports, chess, checkers...) but is completely, utterly, hopeless. (Beginning + Retard)
This kid scored 50 points in his first game of scrabble... What a beginnard
by Headcircus September 9, 2010
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take something old and make it new again. but phoenix the shit out of it. Make it so new that it makes you bow at the mere thought of its presence.

Re-gifting also works here too. What are we going to do for gifts for the neighbors?

"I dont know, what did they get us last year?"

"They got us a magazine rack."

"Then phoenix that shit."
"bombing on stage? well get your balls son, and phoenix that shit right up!"
by Headcircus August 22, 2012
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What is a circus? It is a company performers/artists of various skillsets that is choreographed, and set usually in a ring or rings.

A headcircus, unlike a headcase, is someone, usually an artist that has multiple skillsets and can easily put them on display for your entertainment.

You may be tempted to think of the circus aspect of this word as a term defining chaos or loss of cognition; when in fact the opposite is true. A circus is an extremely well-choreographed show, with extremely talented individuals performing. The chaos is actually well-controlled.

Another usage of this term is to describe someone afflicted with one or more variations of the affliction ADD (attention deficit disorder) who can use these abilities as a positive instead of a negative (turning a curse into a blessing).

He can sing, dance, draw, paint and play the guitar? That guy's a total headcircus man.
by Headcircus January 11, 2009
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