15 definitions by HarryPotterBuffy

A « Faith » is a name used to describe an extremely sexy human being, mostly used for girls. Faiths are sexy, hot, slutty, pretty and very morally and physically strong. If someone calls you a « Faith », then you know what it means.
Omg, this girl is such a Faith!
by HarryPotterBuffy January 26, 2022
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Anya Jenkins is a character in the Buffyverse. She is a former vengeance demon now turned highshooler. Her quirky personality and witty humor is what makes her stand out.
Anya Jenkins has such a good sense of humor!
Who’s your favorite character in Buffy?
Anya Jenkins, of course!
by HarryPotterBuffy January 26, 2022
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Hermione Jean Granger is a main character in the Harry Potter saga. She is a Muggle-Born witch, which means her parents don’t have any magical abilities. She is super smart and very studious. She takes school seriously. Hermione can be sassy and annoying sometimes, but she’s a caring friend and talented witch. She’s called « the brightest witch of her age ». Harry Potter is her best friend and Ron Weasley is her boyfriend/lover/husband. She is portrayed by Emma Watson in the movies inspired by J.K. Rowling’s books.
Hermione Granger is brilliant!
by HarryPotterBuffy February 27, 2022
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Alishba is a very shy and socially anxious girl. She's stunning but doesn't realize it. Alishba has a pretty hard time making friends and never talks to boys, but once you get to know her, you see that she has a great sense of humor and that she's an excellent friend. Truly a wonderful person to have around.
Person 1: Omg, this girl is so shy but I got to know her and she has a cool personality!
Person 2: She must be an Alishba.
by HarryPotterBuffy August 5, 2022
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A Netflix series about a family who moves into a creepy house full of magical keys with different powers. Haven’t finished it yet, but from what I saw, it’s a really good show! I suggest watching it if you like creepy stories with a touch of magic.
Locke and Key is creepy.
by HarryPotterBuffy February 9, 2022
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A « Willow » is a wonderful, intelligent, lovely, creative, witty, adorkable, cute, loyal, shy, clever, brave, ambitious, cunning, geeky, determined and interesting girl who everyone wants to team up with for a school project. A « Willow » is a loyal friend that will always have your back even when you are in very bad situations. Willows are super smart and real computer geeks. Willows are clever, witty and have a nice sense of humor that will put a smile on your face. But Willows aren’t just extremely smart and witty, they also have flaws. A Willow is a girl who has a very questionable sense of fashion, is not popular and has people that make fun of her at school. Anyway, if someone calls you a « Willow » and this person hates you, it’s most likely to call you a stupid nerd with no sense of fashion and no friends. However, if this person likes or loves you, it’s most likely to compliment you on your witty humor and undying loyalty towards your friends.
1-« This girl is sooo smart, witty and funny, she’s so awesome, she’s definitely a Willow! »
2-« Ew, don’t you just hate her? This stupid chick is ugly and a freaking geek. Let’s bully her. »
by HarryPotterBuffy January 26, 2022
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Drusilla is a psychotic and crazy vampire in the Buffyverse, which include the tv shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. She is portrayed by Juliet Landau. Drusilla was first introduced in season two of Buffy as Spike’s lethal vampire lover who could see the future. Drusilla was Spike’s sire, which means she is the one who turned him into a vampire. Drusilla was sired by the evil vampire Angelus. Before turning her, he killed all of her family and made her watch, which is what made her go crazy. Before becoming immortal, she had plans for becoming a nun and was a very religious young woman. After being bitten by Angelus and turning Spike into a vampire, Drusilla became particularly close to three vampires just as dangerous as her; Darla (Angelus’s sire), Angelus (her sire) and Spike (the one she had sired). Together they traveled all around the world and did horrible things, such as killing and torturing people in the most terrible ways possible. Together, they spread chaos wherever they went. Drusilla has black hair, very pale skin and wears red, white or black dresses. She killed the vampire slayer Kendra Young and supported Spike in his attempts to kill vampire slayer Buffy Summers. She has the power of hypnotizing people if they look her in the eye. Drusilla is a very strong vampire and one of the deadliest ever.
Juliet Landau does such a good job as Drusilla!
by HarryPotterBuffy February 26, 2022
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