316 definitions by Harry Flashman

To show disrespect or contempt for; spoken usually by rednecks with their GED's.
The judge sed I wuz contemporaneous at my bond hearing and dint gimme no bail.
by Harry Flashman July 12, 2003
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I offered to take Nadine's chihuahua, Senor Guapo, rabbit hunting. Senor Guapo was destined for a tragic hunting accident.
by Harry Flashman July 20, 2003
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"Thanks for the nugget on Imclone", said Martha, not knowing that the phone was tapped.
by Harry Flashman July 22, 2003
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A newly commissioned Naval Ensign, recognized by the prominently displayed shiny gold bars on his collar. Known for his/her eagerness, inexperience and folly.
We need someone to sign for all those missing 5"54 caliber white phosphorous shells...go get the nugget, Ensign Lemming.
by Harry Flashman July 21, 2003
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Cods seldom survive an encounter with an alligator snapping turtle while swimming naked.
by Harry Flashman July 17, 2003
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A potted meat considered fine dining in Alabama when consumed in quantity with the resulting breath odor being much prized in attracting potential marriage partners; sometimes served at family gatherings with tragic results.
Jarleen, don't give DeWaine no vienna sausages for dinner until he finishes his homework conjugating them Latin verbs.
by Harry Flashman July 17, 2003
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The white squarish lumps in your miso soup, Quite tasty.
Takasan tofu watashi-wa miso jodai.
by Harry Flashman July 19, 2003
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