63 definitions by Harry

Someone with an ate-up acne scarred face, swollen lop-sided eyes, and fucked up teeth.
1.)That chic at the hotel front desk, Kristeen, looks like she's got a bad case of buckshot.

1). Damn, God plays some cruel tricks...she looks like she got shot in the face with some buckshot!
by Harry November 2, 2004
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A word that is a pleasure to say also see bungalo
by Harry July 19, 2003
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Originally Rugby, American Football is by far one of the best games ever invented. It involved 11 players on a rectangular 100-yard field fighting over one ball. Now I know everyone else's definitions, and they are terribly politically incorrect.

1. Football is a "pussy" sport because we wear pads. We wear pads because we are so strong and powerful that without pads we'd kill each other. Back in the early 1900's dozens of people died each year playing football. Europeans never had this problem because they are not as strong as Americans.

2. It is not a "slow" game, nor does it spend 15 minutes between every play. If you've ever played football, you would know it is one of the fastest games ever played in 10 seconds. Within those ten seconds you exert all the energy you have, unilke pussy soccer where you run around for a couple hours like a chicken with their head cut off.
"The soccer game is on man."

"Why would I watch a bunch of Brits run around in short shorts? It's Monday night and a real man's game is coming on."
by Harry January 13, 2005
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an old lady, who is scraggly, mean, and frequently yells at children. Is disliked by both children and adults, and is almost always in a bad mood
by Harry December 8, 2003
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Old term describing a hippotamus penis.
Adam being a huge goober tonight.
by Harry January 9, 2005
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it's a mexican verb that can be used whenever you want, it means almost everything...just like fuck.
chingate...fuck you
chingon...fuckin cool or a person that is the best
by Harry December 18, 2003
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