a state of being in which you are so infatuated with a female that you are willing to depart with a testicle (ball) to be with her.
by pwofesa LEX April 5, 2009
When you take one ball out and dangle it in someone's face, similar to teabagging but with half the effort.
by anomolyrocks August 17, 2011
When someone steals just enough of your property, that they don't believe you will miss what was taken.
I had twelve cans of beer in this cooler and now two are missing. I can't believe that some motherfucker would one-ball me.
by D_Weezy July 21, 2019
An erection on a male who has only one testicle. Typically displayed in online chats or ASCII form as a U plus a seemingly appropriate number of pipes (|) followed by a D to indicate the head. The head may be preceded by two or more slashes (\) if a pulled back foreskin is present.
by stbn January 3, 2010
"balls" is refering to someone's ego
so busting someone's balls would be making them insecure in some way
so busting someone's balls would be making them insecure in some way
busting one's balls could be messing with them, annoying them, teasing them, embarrasing them, etc.
they use this phrase a lot in the movie "The Goodfellas"
they use this phrase a lot in the movie "The Goodfellas"
by Josh June 24, 2006
Person 1: I slept with your girlfriend last night.
Person 2: Are you serious?! I'm going to kill you!!
Person 1: I'm just busting your balls! I would never sleep with your girlfriend.
Person 2: Are you serious?! I'm going to kill you!!
Person 1: I'm just busting your balls! I would never sleep with your girlfriend.
by little t August 2, 2004
A douche who only has one ball. This insult is usually shouted out in his general direction whenever he's around or whenever someone is talking about him behind his back.
"Hey look, it's Ryan the One Ball Wonder!"
"Are you guys talking about One Ball Wonder?"
Someone:"So, yesterday Ryan showed up at track practice-"
Everyone else there: "ONE BALL WONDER!"
"Are you guys talking about One Ball Wonder?"
Someone:"So, yesterday Ryan showed up at track practice-"
Everyone else there: "ONE BALL WONDER!"
by Seaholm Bitch May 6, 2010