65 definitions by Gunkglumb

Something that yahoo and hotmail are shit scared of. An innovative new freemail server that brings out a lot of new features that are being copied by the oter two major freemail servers hours after they show up. Eg: searching, and advanced filtering. It is still in beta testing and gives you 2 GB space... and counting.
you can never use up your gmail inbox.
by Gunkglumb May 19, 2005
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1) Anything a bored male does to while away time. Smoking, boozing, watching porn and especially masturbating are all different forms of shagging.
2) The semen ejaculated after masturbation
1) Its the vacs now, so who wouldn't shag all day long?
2) Damn, my fucking shag messed up the window.
by Gunkglumb June 2, 2005
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Slang for balls, nuts, marbels, you know.
Kicking someone here can give a terminal shock.
abbe gotey hey ki nahin?
by Gunkglumb May 19, 2005
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Even if you google something, the first hit will be a wikipedia site anyway.
by Gunkglumb May 24, 2005
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The most visited word in UD. The word on the orange button that signifies "I have understood the instructions and wish to proceed." The word that all UD editors click on before adding a definition.
and the dumb example requires 20 letters, so I am adding this line.
by Gunkglumb June 6, 2005
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a free e-mail service provider for extereme n00bs who are satisfied with only two mb of space, when gmail is offering more than 1000% percent of that.
hotmail is for pussies.
by Gunkglumb June 6, 2005
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