267 definitions by Greg

can be used as a dildo in hard times
Hey angelina (les partner) do you get the dildo?
No, but i have this microphone.
by Greg April 6, 2003
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S tupid
QU ick
I nevitably
D ead
by Greg June 18, 2003
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"Commonly mistakened for a object that stops doors. It is infact an adjective used by few like James Greg Dyas. The actualy definition of word is it describes an immensely beautiful person but the real beauty it emphasizes on is the inner beauty of a person with high value to user who describes them."
Greg: "Yah that girl Kayla Is a Real Door Stopper!"
Fahad: "Yah buT your my Door Stopper!"
Greg: :o
by Greg August 25, 2004
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The act of being raped by a gay person.
The man testified against the man accused of gaype.
by Greg February 17, 2004
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hahaha! Im in volksport too!
VWs kick ass and so does Volksport
by Greg January 21, 2005
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containing the word "hoe" and "gina" coming from vagina. This is a hoe thats likes to give up her vagina. aka a slut.
Hey man whats up with that girl Stacey?
Oh she has sex with just about anyone, shes a hogina.
by Greg August 26, 2004
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