267 definitions by greg


i got dibs on that last piece of pizza
by greg October 1, 2003
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you wonder

specifically used to call someone (generally a male) a bitch. can be used as just a general insult. derived from the tupac song "you wonder why they call you bitch"
hey douchebag, you wonder
by greg March 17, 2004
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best damn island on earth
I got laid in Hania, Crete this summer
by greg August 23, 2003
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fart yoink

when someone has their hand on your ass and you fart
man my girlfriend totally fart yoinked me
by greg October 24, 2004
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what's in the box?

phrase uttered when something bad happens. taken from the scene in Se7en where Brad Pitt has a very distressing package sent to him from the killer.
(you unsuspectingly click a link and see the goatse)
"awww, what's in the box?!?!"
by greg March 13, 2004
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pj saltz has a minow
by greg April 18, 2003
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1. A beverage containing a massively massive proportion of alcohol.

2. A great after beer drink

3. The green stuff that almost killed me last night

4. What all you sexy girls can buy Alex at the bar.
Greg: "It's almost 8am in the morning... hmmm time for my pre-breakfast Chartreuse shot"

Tom: "I was feeling more like a Beer and Woosta"
by greg January 7, 2004
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