40 definitions by Ethan

tuna snob

One who, when eating a variety of canned tuna, ONLY eats the finest chunk or solid albacore. This person frowns on those who eat chunk light tuna, and may even vomit when he or she attempts to ingest this low class version of a truly high class food.
When Andi tried my chunk light tuna, she threw up a little in her mouth, exclaiming, "This shit is whack, give me my albacore!"
by Ethan April 25, 2005
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Children of Bodom

One of the Best progressive/melodic death metal bands ever. Alexi Laiho, the guitarist, is one of the best guitarists in the world, and isn't too bad at singing either. Other members include Jaska Raatikainen, who plays the drums; Henkka Blacksmith, who plays the bass; Janne Warman, who plays the keyboard; and lastly, Alexander Kuoppala, who recently left the band, and has been replaced for the time being with Roope Latvala. The band's name came from one of the biggest murder mysteries in the band's home country of Finland, nearly 45 years ago, which revolved around 4 kids camping near lake bodom. 3 of the 4 were violently murdered, and the fourth was put in a mental instutution. It has come out recently though, that the fouth kid was the murderer. Children of Bodom's music is a blend of metal, and neoclassical melodies. Their latest album, Hatecrew Deathroll, has at least one great solo in every single song. If you haven't checked them out yet, do so. I command it.
Their albums and EPs:

1)Something Wild
2)Children of Bodom
5)Tokyo Warheats (live album)
7)Follow the Reaper
8)You're Better Off Dead!
9)Hatecrew Deathroll
10) Trashed, Lost & Strungout
by Ethan March 30, 2005
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The Anti Thinker

One who doesn't think, an animator.
Shawn Langhans
Shawn Langhans pwns the world.
by Ethan July 13, 2004
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good shit

the goods, drugs moey for drugs guns
by Ethan April 9, 2003
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Eagle Shit

Eagle droppings. Most commonly found on windshields or door handles.
by Ethan May 19, 2005
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adj. To be great to the highest degree.
adv. To a very high degree.
That concert was extruvient!
Man, that chick is extruviently hot!
by Ethan November 16, 2002
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Someone- "Lil Jon is one of the great scholars of the 21st century."
by Ethan April 1, 2005
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