39 definitions by Elliott

the act of giving a consumating.com profile as many thumbs down as possible in order to decrease that user's popularity ranking
Elliott's rise to #1 most popular profile on consumating.com was a farce, and turned into quite the scandal after Ben Brown revealed that Elliott only achieved such internet-based notoriety after a vicious campaign of thumb bombing others via numerous fake profiles.
by Elliott February 16, 2006
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A mixture of Viagra an water. Usually chugged by Gay Carl so that he can pleasure Elliot 24/7.
Wait a sec Elliott let me drink my Viagra Water so I can pound you like there is no tommorow.
by Elliott February 8, 2005
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one whose major knowledge base appears to have been garnered from Wikipedia and its related projects

derived from googlectual
Rob concealed his status as a Wikillectual once he finally received his Wi-Fi PDA/Cellphone, though those with whom he engaged in intellectual sparring sessions often commented on his overactive bladder, as he constantly ran to the bathroom in order to query the site privately.
by Elliott June 28, 2005
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Chinese influenced by English

often, abbreviated terms coined by young students interested in word play employing slang english practices and basic Chinese vocabulary

for examples, see terms such as duibs, bukeq, and meiguanx
The American students were prohibited from speaking English, however they often got away using some "student speech," even going so far as to pepper their sentences with engnese terms like duibs, bukeq, and meiguanx. Such terms became extremely popular, and it is rumored that even some teachers used them on rare occasion.
by Elliott December 29, 2006
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function: verb

etymology: portmanteau of gender and generalize

to make an generalization or assumption based on gender
Trying to define the male and female varieties of the netrosexual is useless, and such a line of inquiry may lead one to fallaciously genderalize.
by Elliott October 4, 2005
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a male hairstyle, popular among computer programmers and fantasy role-playing game enthusiasts, in which hair on the back of the head is held together by a hair tie, forming a small and pathetic pseudo-ponytail
Though head developer Jeff, who referred to himself as Zorgoth, wore his hair in a greasy little phonytail, he imagined it to be a glorious lion's mane that required taming in the workplace.
by Elliott February 4, 2005
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one who find sexual arousal in the power politics of communication via the internet, namely, through the messageboard medium
Nobody could understand why little Jimmy kept coming back to the board for more abuse, and eventual deletion, week after week. It finally made sense when we found out Jimmy was a netrosexual; his sole sexual pleasure in life was derived from the thought of an admin deleting his account.
by Elliott February 4, 2005
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