39 definitions by elliott

etymology: derived from the phrase "get a late pass" and the term "late pass", forms include "suspension," "suspend" and "suspending"
the consequence of having received numerous late passes over a short enough period of time
Nobody could stand Bill's threads because they were so tired, but he still couldn't understand why everyone hated on him. To clarify, Reu told him, "Bill, you have reposted nearly the entire article archive of The Onion, and I've handed you just as many late passes. In light of this fact alone, you're suspended!"
by elliott September 9, 2005
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reads "hello" when typed into most older style digital calculators, display turned upside-down.
brian typed 0ll34 into his calculator, turned it upside-down, and showed it to me. he was 1337 before 1337 existed.
by elliott December 30, 2005
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etymology: derived from the same phrase used by teachers in lower schools whereupon a child has tardily entered his classroom ( n., late pass, v., latepass)
directed toward a person who has presented something (often a piece of information or writing, news article or website) as new and interesting, when it is, in fact, related to something old and already widely circulated
Although others were impressed when Katie showed off the all your base-themed thatched-reed basket she had made in her underwater basket weaving class, Reu could only reply, "Katie, get a late pass!"
by elliott September 9, 2005
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1. an expression implying that knowing to much about an activity, situation or person tends to discourage one from involving himself with it, often related to sexual encounters

see also zipless fuck

2. a truism

3. a parody of loose lips sink ships
After Elliott told Devin that Kittyboot's friend from Philly had roast beef curtains, Devin replied, "Buddy, thanks for warning me... loose lips shrink dicks."
by elliott July 5, 2005
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One who has disgraced his or her family by betraying their working-class roots by maintaining a yuppie and often metropolitan or metrosexual lifestyle.
While attending John's family reunion, his fiancee realized that he was the pink sheep of the family; among a sea of XXL Old Navy t-shirts and Cherokee-brand jeans, he wore a vertically striped Banana Republic dress shirt, collar open, carefully tucked into starched and ironed chinos.
by elliott July 28, 2005
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used as an interjection or exclamation to note the severe degree to which a someone has been dissed

derived from the posting of iceburn.gif

similar in usage to zing and owned
Alana: I wish I could put myself in your shoes... so that I could walk out into traffic.

Elliott: Ooh, iceburn.gif!!!
by elliott November 4, 2005
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Slang term for any fast-food joint. Originated on SeaLab 2021.
Did somebody order GRIZZLEBEES? (in an unidentifiable germanesque accent)
by elliott January 13, 2004
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