14 definitions by Domexicano

Dominican word which can mean anything you want it to be. It is basically the equivalent of thing, but is used much more often.
Loco, pasame esa baina. Tengo que ir y hacer un paqueton de bainas.
by Domexicano March 15, 2005
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Used when telling someone to calm down. Usually when they are over-reacting.
Chia: My god these fake gucci bags look too fake!! I won't be able to sell these for full price.
Jay: It's not that serious.
by Domexicano March 17, 2005
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Things that are obtained by someone through immoral ways. They are sold to other people for much less that retail price. The majority of these people reside in the brooklyn, mostly in the East New York area.
I got me the ill brooklyn deal on a laptop.
by Domexicano April 13, 2005
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A term used to define anything that was aquired in such a way that the person didn't pay for it. It could have been g'd from someone or if it was free99. There are people that take other peoples stuff and sell them as a brooklyn deal.
Yo son I need some hot parts for my honda accord.
by Domexicano April 7, 2005
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Someone who tries to steal your business by offering the same service/product for less money.
Javi Rox: Yo, I got these cheeseburgers! I sell them to you for a dollar!
Jay Nyce: I got those same cheesburgers for 50 cent!
Javi Rox: I hate that motherfuckin undercutter.
by Domexicano March 18, 2005
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Big balla that can somehow aquire a 500 hp Corvette and a beater Mercedes S500 all while making 12 cash an hour. Sometimes works 'overtime' to keep feds off his back.
Look at that shotta working the gangsta OT. I guess he's getting the feds off his back.
by Domexicano March 29, 2005
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1. A bunch of things.
2. A lot
Tengo un paqueton de bainas que hacer.
by Domexicano March 16, 2005
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