38 definitions by David from Kingsbury

child's name for poo, based on grunting sound one makes at times when going 'ehh, ehh'.
'Does Johnny want to go on his potty to do his ehh ehhs?'
by David from Kingsbury November 4, 2003
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Cockney rhyming slang for fart, long abbreviated to blow a raspberry, few realise the origin.
Blimey Arfur, did you 'ear that raspberry tart the 'orse just blew orff?
by David from Kingsbury October 15, 2005
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Nice word parents use in front of children for a fart
Abigail:'Giles dear, wind down the window, I think Guy's done another windy'
Giles:'Are you sure that wasn't you Abigail?'
by David from Kingsbury December 27, 2003
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Also the streaks of poo that appear on a man's willy after anal sex
Ugh, you've got winnits! You're a fag!
by David from Kingsbury November 8, 2003
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Comparing the way British Indians speak with the Welsh accent
Those new neighbours speak very good Bombay Welsh
by David from Kingsbury November 5, 2003
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Not a very nice person. Also horse's ass. Can be described as the north end of a horse going south.
I wouldn't take any notice of what he said, he's just a horse's arse.
by David from Kingsbury November 8, 2003
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