38 definitions by David from Kingsbury

Another rude term for a negro
Blimey, look at that sooty over there, he must be at least six foot six
by David from Kingsbury November 5, 2003
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Another of the many rhyming slang phrases for fart.
Gor luvaduck Phyllis, you should 'ave 'eard me 'usband after 'e came 'ome from the pub last night, wot a bleedin' horse and cart!
by David from Kingsbury October 15, 2005
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Someone who talks rubbish, mainly tall stories etc. Literally 'blather shite', but the H became a K somehow.
Don't listen to old Tom in the pub, he's just a blatherskite.
by David from Kingsbury November 8, 2003
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