16 definitions by Cramerica Industries

A term for a guy looking to get his rocks off with a chick.
When Mike D. and Billy went to the bar Mike commented that he was horny. Billy said that Mike was always horny. Mike stated, "I'm just a squirrel looking for a nut".
by Cramerica Industries January 9, 2007
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A woman's vagina with a penis inserted in it.
After Pat had sex with Chewy he commented how she had a great stuffed taco.
by Cramerica Industries January 4, 2007
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A womans vagina with a penis inserted in it
I had sex with Mary the other night and she had a great stuffed taco. I stuffed her taco
by Cramerica Industries January 2, 2007
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The act of getting your teet or nipple twisted or squeezed.
My uncle used to pinch my little boobies and ask me what was worse than a texas tornado and answer a nipple crippler.
by Cramerica Industries January 6, 2007
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a slang term for taking a wizz or urinating
Brian had to pee, so he told everyone that it was time to slap the piss out of the head of the family
by Cramerica Industries January 9, 2007
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As Mark deep throated Miguel, and Miguel withdrew he commented that Mark had a nice goatee aka prison pussy
by Cramerica Industries January 9, 2007
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