29 definitions by Bonny lad

A term which is often used to describe complicated parking manoevres.
"There's a space, park in there."
"No way will I get this Transit van in there mate, that space looks tighter than a choirboy's arse!"
by Bonny lad November 11, 2004
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verb. To become suddenly taken away from whatever you are doing by the vast need to deposit a particularly tempestuous turd which gives no warning of its presence whatsoever until the very last minute.
Sexy new secretary: "So, do you want to grab a bite to eat?"
You: (face going purple) "Sorry love, I've got to send an urgent fax."
by Bonny lad November 11, 2004
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"Fook that mate, ah's gannin' yem."
by Bonny lad November 11, 2004
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Short for amputee. Not that I condone use of this word, it just ought to be defined, that's all.
I believe he's an amp.
by Bonny lad November 17, 2004
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A small suburn of the North East of England, the 'howdon claw' refers to a fringe on a female which looks like it has been shaped around a coke can, such is its pronounced cylindrical-ness. You can see young charvers sporting the Howdon Claw.
"Ah's gannin oot doon the keyside the neet... The bords ye find doon there are geet classy an that, none o yer howdon claw shite man."
by Bonny lad November 11, 2004
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With reference to the handgun definitions, chrome can be used to express satisfaction or approval about pretty much anything.
"Michael, have you seen my new fresh orange sqeeuzer?"
"Shit bitch, that is CHROME!"
"No, it's stainless steel. It matches the blender..." (etc)
by Bonny lad November 14, 2004
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