137 definitions by Alan

Commonly used by some ignorant people as a catch-all term for all Asian Americans and Asian imigrants.
Person # 1: Dude, look at that Chinese girl over there, hot isn't she?

Person # 2: Hey, man, her names Mary, her parents are Korean, and I've known her since middle school!
by Alan May 8, 2004
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a term first coined by bruno morphet when referring to jaunbrand. it is normally used in a hushed tone.
hey bruno morphet. please make sure you put satan's little helper on the guestlist.
oh fuck. better pack in some girlie house.
by Alan June 14, 2004
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1. Government intelligence agents, see G-men.

2. Anyone involved in espionage.
1. Careful on this phone line, there could be spooks listening in.

2. I heard this place was crawling with spooks, some kind of weapon of mass destruction is being sold or something.
by Alan May 9, 2004
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a cellphone that does nothing they sold it to be. it's slow, it crashes all the time, it's a dud.
is that the best cellphone in the market that you waited for two years to get? no, it's a nokia 6600.
by Alan October 21, 2004
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a beastly looking broad; may have body odor similar to grizzly bear
by Alan September 27, 2003
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The most gorgeous song done by Led Zeppelin. While the guitar chords are simple, it is composed brilliantly.

I believe stairway to heaven refers to a lady's greed leading to her demise. Much of the song refers to capitalism (western civilizaiton) and money in a negative light.
There's a lady whose sure
All that glitters is gold
and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a feeling I get, when I look to the West/ and my spirit is crying for leaving.
by Alan December 11, 2003
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arabic slang word for testicles. often used to refer to someone as a testicle.
hey, whats goin on yaram.
by Alan February 10, 2005
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