12 definitions by Aileen


In BDSM terminology, refers to sensual or erotic play involving bodily fluids, typically urine, saliva, and less commonly, blood. Considered 'edge-play', because it is obviously somewhat unhygenic.
Most of the Mistresses that he found online were willing to do watersports, but not scat.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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the nickname Leenie was derived from the name Aileen. Leenie is an awesome girl that lives in Louisiana.
by Aileen December 6, 2004
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Besides the common definition, a BDSM symbol of attachment of a submissive to a Dominant through collar made of metal, leather, or other material. Similar to a wedding band in vanilla society. Most collars are equipped with rings where a leash or restrain can be attached, like a dog's collar.
Wearing his collar to sleep was uncomfortable, but it reminded John all of the time that his Mistress loved and owned him, and he felt safe.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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The person in BDSM who dominates or controls the wordsubmissive/word partner. A dominant can be either a full-time Mistress or Master, or simply a top (the person doing the tying up or whipping, etc.)
The best kind of dominant is confidant and mature in their street life, too.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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1. Fetish involving corpses (real or simulated) or death (necrophilia)
2. (less common) Fetish involving sexual contact with unconcious, sleeping, or heavily sedated individuals (usually women)
Tim likes his one-night stands to be as still as possible during their encounters-- maybe he's into snuff, too.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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play piercing

A BDSM practice; puncturing the skin of the body, genitals, nipples, and less often, the face with hygenic (hypodermic) needles for pleasure and temporary decoration. Afterwards the needle is removed and the wound is allowed to heal. (Unlike regular piercing, which is intended for the insertion of jewelry.)
Even though play piercing can be dangerous, Ruth had been very interested in needles since she'd had her lip peirced.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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In BDSM; refers to play involving bloodshed such as cutting the skin, piercing it with hygenic needles, or sometimes whipping to the point of breaking the skin. Sometimes includes consuming the blood, but this is considered a health risk and isn't as common.
Most couples are willing to try a little light bondage, but usually only serious sadomasochists participate in bloodsports.
by Aileen April 21, 2003
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