346 definitions by AKACroatalin

A name recently applied to Lily Allen due to the idiotic statements she has made on a variety of subjects. Supposedly a singer, she is in reality a female Russell Brand; a brain dead member of the chattering classes suffering from acute princess syndrome, she is so full of her own piss and wind she feels that she has the right to criticise democratic processes in other countries.

She has made a number of statements so ridiculously uninformed as to be moronic and had to withdraw them from the public domain. This does not, however, stop her constant whining about the election of Donald Trump in the USA (which incidentally in fuck all to do with her) nor her failure to say anything about the tyrannical actions of Kim Jong Un in North Korea.

A typical luvvie with a declining career, she has a lot to say (none of which is worth listening to) but does SFA to address the so-called wrongs she bleats about. In short a rather stupid creature who, because of her minor celebrity status has never had to grow up and deal with the real world.
Silly Lily, the epitome of a fuckwitted female Malcolm.
by AKACroatalin January 29, 2017
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Basically it means very cold. The sort of cold that puts a heavy frost on the ground and makes your hands go numb. The word is possibly a combination of “frosty” and “hoary”; hoary being the greyish-white appearance frost gives to the countryside.
I’m glad I’m stayin’ in today, it’s proper frory.
by AKACroatalin December 29, 2016
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Acronym standing for Do Good By Stealth. Originally part of a longer phrase “Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame” it can be found in “An Essay on Man” by Alexander Pope. What it means is to do a good deed for someone or to make a donation to charity without anyone knowing that you have done so. You do it because it’s a good thing to do and you do it in such a way that no-one finds out about it. This means that it is the total opposite of what some so-called celebrities do, namely, supporting a charity with as much self-aggrandising publicity and bullshit as possible to try to revive their non-existent careers. It’s also completely different to some mega-rich waster making a huge donation to charity as a status symbol. DGBS is done in a way that avoids recognition, so it is an end in itself, and what is gained is self-respect.
by AKACroatalin November 20, 2016
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An English slang expression meaning that something will be useful at some time in the future. It is an expression used by hoarders to justify the retention of all sorts of useless junk.
by AKACroatalin February 1, 2016
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British slang dating from World War II meaning to defecate, take a dump or shit. The phrase came about due to the heavy bombing of Dresden by the allies due to the concentration of military targets in and around the city. Dresden was also a centre of porcelain manufacture and since toilet bowls are made of porcelain, wartime humour made the connection, that and the societal requirement to use a polite euphemism, that if you went to take a crap you went to bomb Dresden.
“I think something was wrong with those sausages, I’m off on an urgent mission to bomb Dresden.”
by AKACroatalin August 25, 2016
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If you think you fart a lot, guess again, you probably don't fart as much as you think you do. Often, people go to their doctor complaining of having too much gas, but chances are, they are just imagining it. These people are usually told to go home and keep a record of when they fart. Gastroenterologist Dr Michael Levitt found that most of these people fall within the normal range of farts per day (see fart fact 5) and merely need to be shown that they are normal.
Malcolm’s letting rip again, one of the exceptions to fart fact 6.”
by AKACroatalin October 27, 2019
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If you eat certain food groups they can make your farts smell worse. When you eat a lot of sulphur rich foods like eggs and meat, your farts will smell worse because met and eggs breaks down to create hydrogen sulphide, which leads to the emission of the so-called rotten-egg fart.
Malcolm says he only eats meat, eggs and dairy products.”
“No wonder his farts stink so much, he’s living proof of Fart Fact 3”
by AKACroatalin October 27, 2019
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