3 definitions by 3vilWithin

someone who is obsessed with sports too much.
Jack is suck a sportfag, all he does is yell about football teams all day.
by 3vilWithin October 1, 2022
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the fear of the command line.
the symptoms include: thinking one tiny command is the craziest thing ever to happen, even though its literally just one command to install (firefox, chrome, wine, steam)
the average linux user has no fear of this, and it commonly occurs in windows users.
User A: I'm scared of that shit bro ive never touched it
User B: Wait, what OS are you using?
User A: windows
User B: Shit you got terminalphobia my dude.
by 3vilWithin October 2, 2023
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John: Dude, did you see that bitch Jenna testicull Quantavious yesterday?
Quagmire: Yeah dude shes fucking crazy
by 3vilWithin September 25, 2023
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