
Sex crazed neighbor of Peter Griffin in Family guy. ALL RIGHT.
by nO September 2, 2003
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1. A muddy, swampy area that is hard to traverse.

2. A situation, often political/military, that's difficult to get out of. The building casualties and increased length of occupation in Iraq give one example.

3. Peter Griffin's sex-crazed and very loose next door neighbor on the show "Family Guy." A former Navy man, now a commercial pilot. Catchphrases include "Giggidy giggidy giggidy" and "Oh!" (accompanied by a thrusting motion with the arms)
"George W. Bush is actually quite talented. He managed to create a quagmire in a dry desert."

Host: Who else but Quagmire?
Song: He's Quagmire! Quagmire! You never really know what he's gonna do next, he's Quagmire! Quagmire!
Quagmire: Giggidy giggidy giggidy giggidy let's have sex!

Peter: Alright Cleveland, if this doesn't light a fire in your belly, nothing will. puts on a mask of Quagmire's face Hey, look at me, I'm Quagmire! I had sex with your wife! Giggidy giggidy giggidy giggidy!
Cleveland: Hahaha! Those are so his mannerisms!
by Zeke August 2, 2005
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Soft Muddy Ground; A difficult situation.
We're in quite a quagmire, now.
by Larstait November 16, 2003
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A sex-crazed character from the television program "Family Guy", first name Glen, enjoys sex, feet, and HIC-A-DOO-LA. Known for saying ALLLL-RIIGHT when horny or aroused in any way, shape or form
Yea, it looks something like that...(pointing at an nuclear warhead protruding down into his bedroom while attempting to seduce a woman)
by Pockets December 18, 2003
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The absolute funniest character on the tv show, "The Family Guy." He rocks the phrase ALLL-RIIIGHT. He's the sex crazed neighbor who says nothing but absolutely golden, one-liners.
Best Quagmire quote ever: He walks out of the bathroom in his robe and is looking at the girl in his bed with whom he just banged. She says, "glen honey, I have a question for you, what do you do for a living?" He says, "Hey I have a question for you too, whay are you still here?" HILARIOUS!
by The Sheen Man May 6, 2004
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The kind of thing that happens every time the US fights a war
"Great, now were in a quagmire. Thanks George."
by Mastermind September 6, 2003
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A person resembling Quagmire from "Family Guy", usually a pervert with a big chin
Person 1: OHHHHHHH!!!! Giggidy!!!! I like that!!!!!

Person 2: Your such a Quagmire.
by Dic La'tolet July 27, 2010
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