154 definitions by T

N,;to be of ones house; to me a part of one who is of the male genders household
by T August 3, 2003
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A person who is trying to scam you for cash (not a "thief" who will just take the money, or "scam artist" who is trying to scam you out of more than money), usually in a setting involving a transaction that would normally be no big deal
"That chisler tried to raise the price from $15 a bag to $40 after I came out to meet him!"
by T March 28, 2005
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expressing to a boy that he, or his behavior, does not meet your high standards; showing the hand.
Ian was a mean retard so Melissa flipped him the queen.
by T March 16, 2005
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frequently used as the generation identifier of the Toyota Supra; MkIV Toyota Supra with the 3.0 DOHC 2JZGE/2JZGTE engine
by T May 27, 2004
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a delicious mix of nuts and candy
I decided to have some nutbox to get over the mid-afternoon slump!
by T March 11, 2005
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a cylindrical, clear-glass receptacle used to house and dispense nutbox
And here is the pantry, complete with refrigerator, microwave, toaster and nutbox.
by T April 5, 2005
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unit of currency used to purchase nutbox, generally equivalent to $0.25
Wow, I found 5 bucks in my pocket! That's TWENTY nutboxes!!!
by T April 6, 2005
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