156 definitions by Al

"I got an A on my paper." "Oh that was clutch" Also see clutchbag
by Al July 18, 2004
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someone who is a homosexual, purely for the reason of blending in with the crowd
lady: Carl isn't gay, he's just a phoney homie.
by Al November 13, 2004
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Another term for "shut the fuck up" or "shut your fuckung mouth".
Jack was boulshitting all the day, so I asked him to slag off.
by Al April 10, 2005
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n., an asshole; a chester with low intelligence.
"that creed fan is a big tool."
by Al November 10, 2004
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Thick bodied, and having a large, voluptuous butt. Also an acronym for "pretty", "hot", "and", "tempting".
All of the girls out Cherry Hill are phat
by Al January 17, 2003
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1. Two- or three- toed tree-dwelling mamal. The sloth's slowness is caused by it's inability to move more than one major voluntary muscle at a time. Needless to say, sloth reproduction is hilarious.

2. One of the seven deadly sins -- a sort of laziness. According to Catholic Doctrine, all laziness is a sub-form of sloth (much as all anger is a sub-form of wrath), but to truly epitomize sloth, you must be unwilling to take action -- even to help yourself -- out of simple laziness.
1. The sloth is nature's ultimate prey.

2. I was going to shower this week, but then I had an attack of sloth.
by Al February 14, 2005
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