Rooted in playground tradition. A fictional holiday, in which everything you do or say means exactly the opposite. Often used at the end of a sentence to negate what you just said.
"You look nice.... on Opposite Day!"
by Dr. Michael yates January 17, 2005
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Smiling artificially and excessively largely, as if a picture is being taken of you.
Man, I had to lie to my parents last night and I was cheesin' hard!
by Walker, Seth, Ben February 10, 2005
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Acronym for UnResolved Sexual Tension.

Originated in the Australian TV series the secret life of us.
"Wow, check out the urst flying back and forth between those two!"

"Me and my maths teacher, we have some urst.."
by Jessica March 10, 2005
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1. the bird used as a symbol of the United States

2. A clothing store located in many different shopping malls. People buy stuff there.
1. Look how beautiful that eagle looks in its natural habitat!!

2. Do you feel like getting that cute sweater at American eagle today?
Naw... I'm going to wait till it's on sale.
by Bean December 2, 2004
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1) being appropriate to a judge. relates to the administration of justice.

2) something painfully amazing/wicked cool, absolutely laying down "the law" on someone (destroying them).
"wow that song is judicial!"
"dang when you got kicked, that was judicial!!"
"your mom looks judicial."
"that jump was judicial!"
by Theo December 18, 2004
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To go along with someone else's lie. To corroborate a lie. To cover for.
Without even giving me a heads-up, he told his mom that he had been at my house all night. I cosigned for him because we's close.
by mandingoe January 19, 2005
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This is how we say business casual friday around the office, because, you know, we have to abbrev everything.
I'm going to wear my Windows XP polo shirt this bis cas fri.
by SMD August 22, 2004
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