Theory saying that if the rich get richer they will give their surplus cash to the poor. Of course this theory assumes that the rich aren't greedy bastards that will horde all their money in banks, spend it on two million dollar trips to space which benefit no one except the Russians that take them there, or blow it all on a Super Sweet Sixteen for their retarded daughters who get pissed that their parents got them the $200,000 car instead of the $300,000.
Factory Worker: Are you going to give us all pay raises since we've been working harder?

Factory Owner: Nope,my daughter want to get Tupac for her Sweet Sixteen.

Factory Worker: Isn't he dead?

Factory Owner: Yup, I had to spend your Christmas bonuses to dig him up.

Factory Worker: What the hell? What happened to the trickle down theory?
by Law, Order, and Reason November 25, 2006
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The one day, usually every month or so, where you finally crack, and update Adobe, Itunes, Steam, and a bunch of other crap all day. Basically renders your computer useless if you are using anything but solitaire.
God dammit! iTunes wants me too update! And Steam too! I guess it is update day again.
by Captain Jack Mehoff April 13, 2013
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When you can't figure out who your boss is but you know you're getting royally fucked.
Louis asked Stewart for projections on software sales by Thursday. At the same time, Barkley is hammering Stew about the sales force project. Nobody has conducted his mid-year review, and neither boss is clear about who is going to do it. Sounds like he's in a manager trois.
by Patradio April 11, 2013
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The action of climbing over or under the divider in a public restroom when you run out of toilet paper as to gain access to the toilet paper in an adjoining stall.
Practitioners of poo parkour may be referred to as "shitraceurs".
Man 1: I ran out of toilet paper and was so desperate I did an Army low crawl into the next stall so I could wipe my ass.
Man 2: That's some serious poo parkour!
by MrGryphon April 7, 2013
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the internal physiological mechanism responsible for causing one to wake up at workday times on the weekend.

also responsible for any low-grade sleep disorders and the inability to stay awake during any meetings held after lunch.
"it's saturday, go back to sleep!"
"i can't, it's my bio-illogical clock on the fritz again."
by geek.neo March 5, 2010
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Netaflixia; a self-diagnosed non-medical term to describe people who are addicted to the Netflix video streaming service.
Patient A was diagnosed by his friends to have a severe case of Netaflixia, in which he is unable to avoid use of the service, and may behave violently towards himself and/or others if the services continue to go unused for a long period of time. (normally one week)

addiction video streaming
by Sidular April 7, 2013
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annihilation stemming from picking a fight with an utterly more powerful force.
The supreme leader of North Korea will die of suicide by superpower if he even aims a missile at the United States
by rodfell April 7, 2013
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