by kid chameleon January 15, 2004
the act of being crazy high
“ guys I’m on the fuckin fritz right now”
“yoo how much did you smoke? you were on the fritz last night”
“yoo how much did you smoke? you were on the fritz last night”
by Cpbartwtylt13 February 14, 2018
Known as lord or god of the catapillars. The name is usually associated with kings or of royal authority.
"Look over there, it's a Fritz!"
by Wafflesforlife1 November 20, 2015
Fritz is a really cute and the nicest guy you will ever meet. He likes older girls but every one loves him. If you get a friend named fritz keep him he is wonderful. Everyone needs a friend like fritz. He has rocking abs. Fritz is generally with the popular crowd but is very smart.
by Hello0000000800 June 12, 2020
A term referring to a soldier of the German army, typically used by Americans in World War II. To be compared with kraut, or jerry.
by Raptor October 23, 2004
"he's good but he's not fritz"
by Scott Christianson October 26, 2007