up the duff

To be pregnant.
It was very embarrssing for Kevin when he got Peggy up the duff, but it served him right for trying to save money by using a flak jacket.
by Dunky Oggins December 7, 2003
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Up the duff

Pregnant, usually unplanned.
She's up the duff and really confused right now.
by Tsee November 1, 2006
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Up The Duff

Did you hear?! Babs finally has one 'Up The Duff'! They've been trying so hard! I'm sooo happy for her!!!
by talk2me-JCH2 March 15, 2022
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Up the duff

When a woman is pregnant.
Elise is probably up the duff by now!
by 7bandittt January 21, 2021
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Up the duff

An expression of great misfortune, expanded from it's original meaning, to be pregnant. The expansion is due to the expression often being the unfortunate case of the pregnancy being untimely and unpredicted.
"When they find all the coke in Mark's desk, he's gonna be sooooo up the duff!"

"Shit, I've got 2 flats and only 5 minutes to get the airport!"
"You are up the duff mate"
by Jack Nicholson February 3, 2006
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Up the duff

You’re all idiots it means anal sex
She takes it up the duff, because she loves anal
by TheDuffQueen November 6, 2017
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Up the duff

An old Australian Slang term referring to an unplanned pregnancy, first used in 1941 and all the way through to around the 70s. Rarely used now a days.
Person 1: What is happening to her?
Person 2: She's up the duff.
by Shen Bapri March 23, 2023
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