Paige: haha wow that girl caroline is such a unitard
Andrea: really she is?
Emily: yeah you have no idea
Paige: once you get to know her you'll understand
Andrea: oh okay
Andrea: really she is?
Emily: yeah you have no idea
Paige: once you get to know her you'll understand
Andrea: oh okay
by UnicornChaser April 22, 2010
Get the Unitard mug.
Agreeing to go watch a Twilight marathon in the theaters with your girlfriend leaves me in a state of unitardation.
by KoldCilla1990 December 1, 2011
by Aidsaregay June 29, 2011
Alex: Did you see Callie today?
Emma: If the back pack, pants, shoes, and crocheted sweater didn't point her out as a unitard, the headband and earings certainly did!
Alex: What a Unitard!
Emma: If the back pack, pants, shoes, and crocheted sweater didn't point her out as a unitard, the headband and earings certainly did!
Alex: What a Unitard!
by Ezzy September 2, 2005
A combination of the words Universal and Retarded. Unitarded refers to something that is retarded and happens at Universal Studios Orlando.
by Fickey August 23, 2007
by jimmjimms September 7, 2008