An individual who wears the uniform/jersey of a sports team or player only because he/she heard that the team won some type of championship. Additionally, the person really does not know anything about sports and just wants to look cool wearing the logo/name of a champion, as if he/she followed them from the beginning.
by psychmajor92376 August 2, 2006
by thechickwhidoesntusenames November 30, 2006
by Greeneyedjunkie February 16, 2007
A person who uses unicode letter replacements in order to be cool in the online word. These people also usually think they can hack, but have never written a line of code in their life.
by bentangle January 27, 2009
by oboeguy April 20, 2006
My husband and I were having dinner and I was going to look up something on my laptop that we were discussing and he said, "Don't, let's just talk." I replied, "I can do both, I'm not a unitard." Then my husband said, "I think you just made up a new word. Add it to Urban Dictionary."
by Jackson P Frazbowski April 5, 2008
by Alan Jimenez January 21, 2009