tits on a bull

Brian is a douchebag. There is foreskin worth more them him. He's clearly as useful as tits on a bull.
by JP March 12, 2005
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tits on a bull

Used as an epresion of uselessness.
Goddamn It John, your wife gives some killer cone, other than that shes as useless as tits on a bull fuck.
by bt February 27, 2003
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tits on a bull

A great traditional aussy saying. When used in a sentence it refers to how completely and utterly useless something is (as would be tits on a bull)
1. Every time I try to use the fucking phone for calls/sms or internet I get cut off. This phone provider is as useless as tits on a bull. Fucking cunts

2. I saw Shelley walking to the beach today, she was out sunbathing and I requested intercourse, she said she would prefer not to as she is married. That stupid bitch is as good as tits on a bull
by Wozzgalaxy February 21, 2011
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Tits on a Bull

The observation of the vestigial nature of mammary glands on a male cow (bull) in as much as these serve no useful purpose. useless worthless
by The Druggist August 19, 2008
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tits are not used on a bull because bulls do not produce milk. they are still there though.
a person that cannot do their job properly may be referred to as= as useless as tits on a bull.
by Tom Love January 30, 2007
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as helpful as tits on a bull something or someone that is more of a hindrance than a help
as helpful as tits on a bull my new refrigerator is more of a hindrance than is a help to me
by littlejimmie November 4, 2019
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Extremely useless, to the point of absurdity. Used when extremely frustrated.
"Darn it, the screws are stripped. These are as useless as tits on a bull!"
by morethanerica November 22, 2008
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