136 definitions by littlejimmie

medium density fiberboard is an engineered wood product made from saw dust and resin similar to particle board but denser and stronger is used in construction furniture making consumer products and many more uses
i wanted solid wood molding and trim for my house but i ended up with medium density fiberboard because of costs once painted medium density fiberboard looks good awesome
by littlejimmie March 3, 2019
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an inshot burner is a type of gas burner that shoots flame horizontally as apposed to straight up like ribbon burners these burners must be used with an induced draft fan to function mainly used on furnaces and heaters
furnace guy what type of burners are these on my furnace they shoot flames horizontally

sir these are inshot burners instead of a flame straight up like ribbon burners these shoot flames horizontally a like a blow torch

customer i did not know that wow

furnace guy now you know
by littlejimmie January 26, 2019
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fuse an electrical device designed to blow breaking the circuit during an overload or short circuit protecting wiring and devices attached to the circuit fuses are usually one time use devices and must be replaced once they blow once the only form of circuit protection and electrical distribution in residential commercial and industrial building before being mostly replaced by circuit breakers but are still commonly used in automobiles and other electrical applications
man i blew 4 fuses this morning i was out of fuses and had to go to hardware store to buy a pack of fuses what an inconvenience replacing fuses can be
by littlejimmie March 20, 2019
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as helpful as tits on a bull something or someone that is more of a hindrance than a help
as helpful as tits on a bull my new refrigerator is more of a hindrance than is a help to me
by littlejimmie November 4, 2019
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craptard is a person who is a piece of shit and a retard an offensive non vulgar way to call a person a piece of shit and a retard
dude you stole my money out of my car you craptard

man i did not steal your money out of your car you craptard

dude i got you haha
man accusing someone of stealing something is not funny you craptard
by littlejimmie March 14, 2019
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sockpuppet is someone who is under the control of someone else with no mind of their own and lets other people make their decisions for them
our governor is a sockpuppet with no mind of his own and allows other people in his party to make all of the decisions
by littlejimmie November 17, 2019
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flip ass an annoying idiotic person who has the qualities of a flippant and a fuck but less offensive and non vulgar when cursing and using vulgar language want do
dude you ripped me off last night selling my plastic balls instead of the candy you promised me flip ass
i told you man they where plastic balls not candy now the jokes on you flip ass

dude your jokes over the top you flip ass
by littlejimmie March 12, 2019
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