Persident (n.) (1) A person in a place of high status, but not necessarily power. (2) A person promoted to the highest level of incompetence, ususally though a 'democratic' election. (3) the HMFIC of a country or region. (4) Someone who would rather lay on in intern than a bed. (see also: clinton) (5) sucker.
"The president of the United States is the second most powerful person in the world, right next to the captian of a US nuclear missle submarine."
by Cunjo July 22, 2004
$$$, there's jefferson, washington...
by jasmine April 29, 2002
a penis, cock, schlong, goat, tallywhacker, purple-headed puding flinger, frank, sausage, whang, dong, meat, you get the idea
by brokenrecords33 August 24, 2006
by Balls and ACT 3000 February 26, 2016
A term used to greet, identify, or describe a black person. President now replaces the commonly-used word "nigga". See for more information and examples.
by panicatthebisco February 23, 2009
by Quick Quiz( December 2, 2007
by lemonpartyfan April 5, 2007