Short for "Digitizing tablet". A flat, thin plastic tray-like object that connects to a computer via USB ports and can control the computer mouse with the included stylus. Quite useful for drawing/graphic designing.
I love my tablet to death, except when it's broken.
by Blizzleair November 10, 2003
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Mike remembered to renew his Brazzers subscription before buying a new tablet to replace the Kindle Fire he got last Christmas.
by dontkillalljewspls December 29, 2012
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Scottish sweet (candy) made from sugar, also a little butter and milk. Very sweet!
Youse tried this tablet. It's pure dead brilliant!
by SaraLou April 10, 2007
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Shortened form of 'Fuck Off tablet'. The most bitter pill you will ever have to swallow.
Let's tablet Dave and go out with Tom instead.
by Kevin Robinson January 7, 2006
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Something that was NOT made by a shitty computer company

(See Apple) but was made by Bill Gates in 2001. When Bill


introduced it, no one gave a flying F**K about it, but when

Steve Jobs introduced the iPad, the world pissed itself like

an over excited dog.
Me: I just got a new Android Tablet!
Apple'FanBoy':TH3 TABL3T W4S MADE BY 4PPLE!!!
Me: No it was made by Bill Gates douchebag
by DAHpargles February 8, 2012
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