9 definitions by dontkillalljewspls

A mediocre and generally useless programming language composed of C and Smalltalk poorly stitched together. It is basically Apple's own little Visual Basic.

Objective-C is the language of choice when developing applications for iOS, which is literally the only reason you would ever want to use it.
Thanks to Objective-C, we have more than enough fart and Sudoku apps to go around.
by dontkillalljewspls June 30, 2011
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Easily killed in an online video game. Applies mainly to certain classes or loadouts that trade durability for power or mobility.
The Scout class in TF2 is squishy.
by dontkillalljewspls July 17, 2016
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A phenomenon observable in most online video games with competitive matchmaking and ranks, in which random players tend to be far more abrasive and uncooperative than those you meet in casual drop-in games or community servers, even ones hosting games in competitive format. This is counter-intuitive to the assumption that less mature players will be deterred by the stiff penalties for ruining matches, which turns out to grossly underestimate how consciously dedicated some people are to being awful.

There are a variety of reasons for this, not least of which is because clueless kids think they're going to be MLG esports pros and thus blame anything that goes wrong on you, regardless of how well anyone is actually doing, and frequently ragequit, leaving you unable to pick up the match. In higher ranks and tiers, it is common for players to not care about playing because they think too highly of themselves, while many players in lower ranks are using smurf accounts so they can grief newer players trying to git gud.

Named after FaZe Clan, a (real) professional esports team that many of the aforementioned clueless kids like to reference in their screen names.
Joe was warming up for a round of competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive by dicking around in some servers with custom game modes. He was having more fun here than he thought he would playing silly mini-games, but he was dragged away by his two friends only to end up in a lobby with a temperamental fourteen year old boy and someone with racial epithets in his name using micspam to blare references to stale Internet memes. The FaZe effect strikes again.
by dontkillalljewspls July 6, 2016
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Mike remembered to renew his Brazzers subscription before buying a new tablet to replace the Kindle Fire he got last Christmas.
by dontkillalljewspls December 29, 2012
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When something in pop culture becomes so ubiquitous that liking it is mandatory. People infected with Disney disease will dismiss any and all criticism as petty contrarianism, no matter how obviously flawed or downright awful the thing is.

Named after the company that reduces everything to flavorless gray mush.

Examples: capeshit, Harry Potter
My friend thinks I'm a depressed asshole because I never want to see his shitty MCU movies. He has a bad case of Disney disease.
by dontkillalljewspls October 8, 2021
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To be so obsessed with trannies that you are incapable of shutting up about them, and blame them for all of modern society's problems. Victims of Tranny Derangement Syndrome will bring up their hatred of trannies in literally any online discussion, no matter what is being discussed, and stir up pointless drama among people that don't give a shit.

The conservative analogue of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
"What does sex change surgery have to do with a thread about computers? No one wants to hear about this gross shit. Fuck off with the Tranny Derangement Syndrome, no one cares."

by dontkillalljewspls April 1, 2020
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A noob that tries an online multiplayer game after seeing it being played on streams. Unlike most new players, Twitch tourists falsely believe they are already masters of the game, even though they have no idea what the experienced players they watch are actually trying to do, and will relentlessly flame their teammates on this basis. Often they will try and fail to imitate unorthodox strategies they saw, to everyone else's amusement.

Usually found in droves after the world championship of an esports game. Most common in free-to-play games that don't require daddy's credit card to try.
This fucking Twitch tourist bitched at us and ragequit after getting rekt. Classic.
by dontkillalljewspls September 2, 2019
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