23 definitions by Blizzleair

A stupid way of saying "should have".
Person: I totally should of bought the bike, duuuuude.
by Blizzleair September 22, 2003
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A pronunciation mark placed over the second vowel in a set to indicate that it should be pronounced as a dipthong.
The ¨ over the e in Zoë indicates that it should be pronounced zoh-EE and not ZOH.
by Blizzleair November 10, 2003
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A spoof off of the animation genre anime. The character "Stinkoman" is loosely based upon Strong Bad from www.homestarrunner.com, as any idiot will tell you. He has blue hair. He also kicks some serious ass.
I want a Stinkoman t-shirt.
by Blizzleair July 18, 2003
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Dumbass way of typing that makes you look like you don't know shit about computers and are just randomly pressing the shift key. Usually combined with bad spelling (ie, lyke, wut, dat, h0lla)
iF yo0 UsE sTiKy CaPs In My PrEsCeNcE i'Ll f*CkInG kIlL yo0.
by Blizzleair September 18, 2003
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The jewel that was shattered by Kagome in the anime series Inuyasha. Literally means "Jewel of Four Souls" (Japanese)
If Kikyou gets the Shikon no Tama we'll all be screwed.
by Blizzleair September 18, 2003
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An emoticon that needs to put some anti-perspirant on its face, man.
Person 1: So did you do the math homework?
Person 2: Uh...o.o;;;;
by Blizzleair September 22, 2003
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A flat, circular object with a hole in the middle that is sent out by the billions by AOL about every six seconds in an attempt to convert everyone to the same shitty ISP. Do not despair, however. Said items make fantastic coasters, not to mention suncatchers.
Don't believe the new pro-AOL disc commercial featuring Jerry Lewis and Snoop Dogg. The discs are still full of shit, as always.
by Blizzleair December 23, 2003
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