Is a cross between stressed and pressured.When you are already stressed out and you are being pressured trying to finish a job on a timeline.My wife uses this word all the time.
My wife said that she is stressured trying to get all her work done.
by CyborKong February 21, 2006
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to have unwanted stress and to be under a significant amount of pressure.
Since starting her new job, Kelli had been under a lot of stressure.
by Bobojae December 24, 2009
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A combination of the two words 'stress' and 'pressure'. Being tense or anxious while under a large amount of pressure to perform tasks.
I'm so stressured.
by Ashley0000 November 20, 2010
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Someone who is simultaneously under extreme stress and pressure at the same time
So your house is being repossessed tomorrow and you need to have thesis finished as well, man you must be under a lot of stressure
by leimrod July 26, 2006
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When pressure and stress hit you all at once.
She's trying to coordinate her dating life with being a mom, so much stressure!
by RaisetheBar September 13, 2017
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A combination of the words stress and pressure, this word is an easy way for people to describe the feeling that typically accompanies finals week
Friend: Dude are you ok? You have been studying for that bio test all week.

Other friend: I know i know but my parents want me to do really well and I dont want to mess up as badly as I did last time. I dont know, lately i've just been feeling alot of stressure.
by sail4ever March 7, 2013
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Adj.) A descriction word for stress and pressure.
Ex. 1) "I'm under so much stressure right now." Ex. 2) "Oh my god that's makes me have stressure."
by Besties.its.kenzie November 19, 2021
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