Extremely pissed or unhappy with a situation.
Also can be used to describe being "tired" or "worn out".
Also can be used to describe being "tired" or "worn out".
by nekole December 23, 2008
When someone is conniving, manipulative, untrustworthy, ugly, bitchy, dishonest, annoying, slutty, shifty, deceitful, gross... you get the point.
Also, can apply to a thing with the above qualities.
Heavily used in the gay community.
Also, can apply to a thing with the above qualities.
Heavily used in the gay community.
by Meltzer May 11, 2007
by v August 24, 2004
Rot rŏt - A state of being in which a person goes into antisocial hibernation. Not seen nor heard from for as little as minutes, for as long as days, the individual secludes themselves in total isolation. When resurfaced from their chosen crypt, the rotted individual will spring forth from their rest; once again able to spare the good people a flying fuck.
Note: This state is not personal nor reserved for specific groups of people at a time; family members may text friends in pinned photos on Instagram to track down this socially, existentially exhausted soul. It will be an all-out manhunt.
See also; Decompose, Deteriorate, Decay, “Can’t Even”
Note: This state is not personal nor reserved for specific groups of people at a time; family members may text friends in pinned photos on Instagram to track down this socially, existentially exhausted soul. It will be an all-out manhunt.
See also; Decompose, Deteriorate, Decay, “Can’t Even”
by R0tted September 8, 2023
"Rotting" is a super advanced form of suffering that only individuals with no positives in their life can experience. Once you become a rotter, you can not go back. Every slight inconvenience can spark rotting in real rotters, which will cause them to spew absurd amounts of bullshit about their lack of success and self-confidence.
Trust me bro I'm rotting. I got curved by 4 girls today and they were a 6 tops.
I just got my dick stuck in my graphics card and I've never rotted so hard in my life.
I just got my dick stuck in my graphics card and I've never rotted so hard in my life.
by truerotter May 22, 2019
To decay. However, in slangish terms: to be beaten down, reduced or diminished by an event or place that has made a negative effect on your life. This may have affected your finances, health, social life or any number of other factors important to you.
I can't stand working here, it sucks so bad. I've been going downhill ever since I've been here. This job is making me rot.
I've rotted away in university. My school years of constant studying and no life, year after year, have ruined my life.
I've rotted away in university. My school years of constant studying and no life, year after year, have ruined my life.
by PuzZLeR October 23, 2006
I was rotting so hard yesterday! So many things I should have done but I just watched Pauly Shore movies all day.
by Rott March 31, 2009