Its a type of slang word and basically means to pull someone by the hair or clothing very quickly. People do it when in a physical fight.
The Welsh use it alot.
"She ragged me by the hair"
by welshgirl01 June 14, 2010
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To be 'owned' or humiliated in some shape or form.
Haha, that man just got ragged by that girl.
by garyb99999 May 29, 2013
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1. Cleaned (with rag).
2. Battered and beaten or otherwise left worse for wear.

The term originates from how a wet cloth or rag is twisted and wrung out of dirty water and left wrinkled. It is often used in analogy to either describe ones low physical well being, or to describe a harsh but cleansing lecture.
That needs to be ragged.

We were run ragged at work.

I ragged out my sister for being a slut.
by Carl S 2 February 14, 2019
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To get ragged - to go out on the town and get your rag on.
To get drunk, or otherwise inhibriated. To have a good time.
Get your glad rags on we're off to get ragged. I got well ragged last night.
by katiebizzle January 24, 2007
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To argue without any care or attention. To verbally argue for the sheer hell of it. Arises from the word Ragged in relation to sleeping with someone of dubious respect or looks.
"Man, you're here ragging on anyone"

"I didnt come here ragging on you guys, i was making a real point"

"he totally ragged yesterday"
by Barry Whites October 12, 2006
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to nag someone about something constantly...totally 80's term
"My mom keeps ragging on me to clean my room"
by Marie LeFever January 27, 2004
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