
1. Another word for The Man. Gets you busted for possession of marijuana, copying DVDs, and other "crimes". Never ever in a Gogolplexian years does the prosecution do a good thing for yourself.

2. What you'll be on the receiving end of if you screw up.
1. In Heaven the prosecution is spiritually incapable of winning ever.
2. Violators subject to prosecution.
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They kick you in the crotch twelve times and if you grunt they start over.
by MiscGifted January 9, 2012
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The practice of prosecuting individuals out of embarrassment, well in excess of any demonstrable harm. The practice is particularly ubiquitous in Western democracies where sedition is an unpopular prosecutorial tack in order to dispense retributive punitive enforcement in response to indefensible egg-on-the-face.
Two cases are particularly illustrative:

The US government's piling on of charges against Barrett Brown constitutes a very clear, inflamed case of butthurt-prosecution.

Barrett Brown

Although he pleaded guilty to offenses carrying ~20 years in prison, Bradley Manning must still stand trial for his life, as the DoD and DoS have a wicked bout of butthurt-prosecution.

Bradley Manning
by kenneth lipp May 18, 2013
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A rare instance where a slip of the tongue can get you in deep shit
Your honour, can I assume to be correct in presuming that the matter arisen has been prosecuted/prostituted?
by Hercolena Oliver May 27, 2010
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Prosecution whore

a narcicistic, seemingly self confident, yet self loathing {individual involved in the legal system}, who once was a {victim} and now is overeager and ready at all times to stick it to the {bad guys}.
She was a {prosecution whore} who could sniff out those likely to have {perpetrated a wrongdoing} like no one else, and was always eager to convict their sorry asses.
by prosecution whore October 2, 2009
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Prosecute the parents

Hey, if you find out the kid was bullied are you going to prosecute them too?
Hym "No? Just prosecute the parents and pretend your kids can't talk themselves into an early grave. Or that you can't do anything to get them killed."
by Hym Iam February 3, 2024
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Prosector and executioner hybrid. Prosecutes and executes punishment on said crime.
by mappitout June 7, 2023
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