The act of being productive in something you don't actually need to be doing in order to put off the work that you should be doing.
Today I cleaned my apartment, volunteered at a soup kitchen, and finally got around to balancing my checkbook! But I didn't write that paper that's due tomorrow. Procrastivity strikes again.
by CynickTurtle October 5, 2010
To procrastinate by eating.
by dgreenf May 10, 2011
Procrastination by means of mastication (chewing). See procrastineat or procrastin-eating
NOT to be confused with procrasturbation, which is procrastination by masturbation (stimulating one's own genitelia).
NOT to be confused with procrasturbation, which is procrastination by masturbation (stimulating one's own genitelia).
Spongebob: I can't write on an empty stomach, Gary.
Lots of lazy students grow obese through procrastication.
Lots of lazy students grow obese through procrastication.
by cakeofages July 16, 2008
To procrastinate by eating
Person 1: I don't want to do my homework. I wonder what there is to eat?
Person 2: Stop procrasteating and get back to your work!
Person 2: Stop procrasteating and get back to your work!
by luckybon May 16, 2012
Mom, I can't do my homework, I am doing procrastivities. OR I would have cleaned the house, but you know I was doing procrastivities instead.
by Mommallamma January 19, 2021
by Friend of Kamal February 17, 2009
To be in the state of procrastinating.
1. I am being such a procrast right now by adding this to Urban Dictionary.
2. Stop being such a waste of life procrast.
2. Stop being such a waste of life procrast.
by Sickashell March 11, 2008