A Vacuum tube used to lengthen the male tally-wacker. Mostly used by men who have no penis. Most of them don't work. I should know.....
by todd January 16, 2003
A device used to enlarge the penis. Pumping the handle will remove air to create a vacuum in the pump. This will only enlarge your penis temporarily. If used obsesivly it will stretch the skin on the penis but not lengthen it, your skin will sag off of your penis
by Jason May 7, 2003
by Nick March 23, 2003
by Juan Carlos Fernandez November 7, 2004
a pump which inlarges your penis
katherine: your penis is so small , i dont like that !
daniel: well i cant help it
katherine: well here, use this penis pump!
daniel: well i cant help it
katherine: well here, use this penis pump!
by KillerQueen9000 October 12, 2008
a tube slightly larger than u wiener that you put ur wiener in and pump the air out of which expands your dick.
He had a small wiener so he bought a penis pump to enlarge it.
He had a Huge wiener so be bought a penis pump to make it even bigger.
He had a Huge wiener so be bought a penis pump to make it even bigger.
by Chris Aiken September 6, 2007
by adam barto September 30, 2007