
Peacocking means dressing for attention. Just like Peacock's use their feathers to get a mate.
Peacocking is meant to make opening a girl easier, but if you're not congruent with your look (like, if you look like you're gay and you try to hit on a girl), wires are gonna get crossed somewhere and you're gonna blow yourself out.
by The Light August 26, 2006
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the art of eating out a vagina doggystyle, while assaulting her asshole with your nose.
Hey everybody look, Pock is peacocking the shit out of that smut!
by Vin Patrick June 8, 2011
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The act of writing on someones facebook wall to make either yourself or your friend seem more fun/cool/witty/popular. It is often done with the intention of someone in particular reading it.
Q: Why did Sarah write that on Janes facebook wall rather than just text her?
A: She was obviously peacocking

Jane: I really want Max to think that I am moving on!
Sarah: Don't worry, I will peacock you later about last night
by peacock12345 January 7, 2012
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1. When a piece of hair is sticking straight up on your head 2. When you have a piece or pieces of hair curling out or all out of proportion.
Brad: Man his hair is really peacocking today.
David: Looks like he just got out of bed.
by Cream of frog soup December 20, 2011
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She makes you open your legs, dangles your cock and then makes you piss from the right leg to the left leg giving the sense that you are revealing your feathers therefore making it the peacock!
Guy: I'm better than you!

Girl: Shut up before I start peacocking you!
by SnowMuffinz April 6, 2012
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The art of shooting a pea with your cock
I was peacocking yesterday and this girl came in and I hit her in the eye! It was totally rad!
by JuicyJizzle September 15, 2010
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When a penis has a large amount of pubic hair growing, signifying a peacock's large, extravagant feathers.
Hey Carol did you see the pubes on that guy? They were huge!" "Yeah I know Joan, he was totally peacocking."
by hollywoodboy10 December 3, 2010
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